“Oh.” Daniel’s hands caressed Clark’s back, and he tried to find the track of the conversation again. He considered his options and his pride, and what little those had to do with how much he cared for this man within his arms. Emotions thickened his throat, and Daniel could only whisper, “I’d do that for you for free, love. Give it to you as a gift, and, I guess, maybe that’s what you’re trying to do for me, too, with the money. I’ll accept what I need from you as a gift, Clark, if you’ll take what you need in exchange?”
“If you’ll take my help, then I’ll take yours,” Clark said, breathless. “I like you being with me. And not with anyone else. I’m not a jealous person, usually, but…” Clark shivered. “You fly in the face of most of my rules and seem to be the exception to all of them. And God…having you…do that…to…”
Without finishing the sentence, Clark let out a breath that vibrated in the air between them. Clark’s hand slid from Daniel’s arm to his hip.