Strong arms wrapped around Daniel’s torso and hugged him with a fierceness that screamed of protection and possessiveness. Hands gripped and pulled hard on Daniel’s clothing and physically moved him to the side of the hallway. It happened in less than two seconds, time enough for a slow blink or a rain shower of bullets. A cheek collided with Daniel’s, and a voice that was low and rough, yet capable of holding silk aloft in the air with its tenderness, spoke in Daniel’s ear.
“It’s okay,” Clark said in a rush. “I’m here. It’s over. Everything’s going to be all right, baby. I’ve got you.”
Shocked into silence, Daniel opened his eyes and shook so hard that he could do nothing but wrap his arms around Clark. Daniel gasped and then felt the tears spill down his face.
“Clark,” Daniel whispered. “You…you’re alive?”
* * * *