Chapter 81

As they neared the end of the hallway, Daniel picked up his pace when he saw a familiar, slender figure leaning against the front desk. “Mary!”

“Danny! You idiot!” The short, salt-and-pepper-haired woman collided with Daniel, threw her arms around him, and squeezed until he couldn’t breathe. “You moron. You…” Mary shook him, hugged him, and started in again without losing a breath. “You’re damned lucky Bailey reported your status when he found you, or I’d have hunted you down. Damnit. Let me look at you.”

She abruptly pushed Daniel away from her and twirled a finger. He held his arms out and turned for her, with a sheepish grin at Clark. “Good?” he asked.

“Good,” she said with a sigh, walked up to him, and poked him in the shoulder. “Don’t. Do. That. To. Me. Again.”

Clark stepped next to Daniel. “Yes, let’s listen to the nice lady, shall we?” Clark quipped, a sly smile showing dimple and upper teeth.