“I keep tabs on your credit card statements,” Clark said, as though it should be obvious to anyone with an eighteenth of a brain. “Which reminds me, any luck finding an accountant to replace the last one you fired?”
“Not yet,” Lucian growled. “And I pay you to watch other people, not me, Maxwell.”
“I like to think I can save you from yourself,” Clark said, gentle and infuriating. “Did you see him?”
“See who?”
Lucian flinched at the name. Usually Clark didn’t have the audacity to call Lucian’s hand. “Why should I bother answering when I’m sure you’re about to tell me whether I did or didn’t?”
“Holy shit.” Clark sounded awed. “You finally did it.”
“As fascinating as this is, I’m going to have to get on with my day.”
“Jesus, no wonder you sound like hell.”
“How kind,” Lucian drawled.