“For a man to act like your boy did, there had to be an altercation. Probably a few of them. That would explain the muscle gain and the weaponry. He’s protecting himself from something. Said ‘something’ probably physically hurt him, so I called in a favor for some medical records.”
Lucian lifted eyebrows. “Must have been a hell of a favor.”
“Guy has a daughter who used to have a boyfriend problem.”
“Ah,” Lucian chuckled. “I do love the way your world works, Maxwell. Continue.”
“Sure, Luke.” Clark grinned, and Lucian rolled eyes, waiting. “Three years ago, Shea did a lot more than start to build a house and sell his motorcycle. He changed doctors, dentists, banks, cell phone carriers, the works. Anything that could be swapped, he did.”
Worry and realization gnawed at Lucian. “Erasing…”