The makeshift fighting ring absorbed Fury, ushering him to the center of the circle. The pack divided smoothly into fighters, spectators, and bookies. Nathan got caught up in the press of bodies. It was all elbows, shoulders, boots, bad cologne, and smoke, and Nathan didn’t even get a chance to see Fury’s opponent before Fury swung and connected a fist to the other guy’s flank. Nathan flinched at the slap-thudof impact, and he got knocked to one side by a pointy elbow.
Shoving, pushing, and Nathan was reminded of a mosh pit, only with more guns and knives. A cigarette came close enough to Nathan’s cheek that it almost burned him. He got slammed into another man and yanked left and right as everyone moved en masse to follow the fighters. Nathan tried to go with the flow, but it seemed like all directions went against the grain.