Fury kept watching the window. “By the time I crawled out, Izzy was pissed. I couldn’t do nothin’ but cough, and she held on to me until the firefighters and cops and ambulance showed up. Don’t know who called it in, probably a neighbor. I had breathed in too much smoke, and they put me in the hospital. I had lung problems for a long time, though the doc said it’d eventually get better. The sickness did go away when I started trainin’ regular, but my voice never sounded right.”
“I think it sounds fine,” Nathan whispered, and though he tried to stop them, tears streaked down his cheeks. He ducked his head to wipe them on his shoulder, hasty so Fury wouldn’t see, but he wasn’t fast enough. Fury, with his black eye and bruised ribs, cupped Nathan’s jaw as though it were made of fine china.