Chapter 8

“Ashlatan. One of earth’s sister worlds. Not far from here in distance, but it vibrates so fast you can’t see it with human eyes. It’s one of the next stops for humans who want to learn more about how the universe works.”

“What does come next?” Lou asked, even as part of his mind was berating him for being gullible.

George turned Lou’s head so he could gaze directly into his eyes. “More love,” he said. “Ashlatan doesn’t admit people who are run by hate. We keep learning. Some of us teach. Some work with time, like you do. Lots of possibilities.”

“I’m not good enough for a place like that.” Lou felt the self-loathing crawling under his skin like a column of ants. “I’m starting over at almost forty.”

“It’s not about that. Money. Stuff. You know that, Lou. It’s about remembering who you are.”

“We were lovers,” he said. “That’s what this is all about?”