Chapter 31

Dearborne did so, swallowing hard. “No.”

“You obviously didn’t understand their meaning.”

Once again, anger flashed across Dearborne’s features. “If you think me so innocent, then you should not be trying to intimidate me in this manner.”

There was enough truth in the accusation to sting Julien’s conscience. “I am merely showing you what happens when you venture places you know nothing about.”

“I know something about it.”

Julien hid his surprise behind a mocking smile, which only seemed to irritate Dearborne further.

“I know that you…that you…”

“If you can’t even say it, there’s no reason to continue this discussion.” By all rights, he should stop this conversation immediately, Julien knew. But now something far more intense than his curiosity kept him from ending it.

“Prefer men,” Dearborne finally managed, and despite the garden’s shadows, Julien got the impression that the fair skin was now flushed with color. “And I’ve…I’ve…”