Many young men cast looks in his direction, likely attracted to the scent of wealth. A bold few even sauntered over to him, but left again when he didn’t respond, going back to the house’s more attentive patrons.
When Madame Rimbaude brought him his fourth glass of port, along with the bottle, she took a seat next to him. “Ees zair no one ‘oo catches your eye, milord?” Her French accent was a well-known facade. Angry moments revealed a very pronounced Cockney cadence. The real mystery about her was whether the husky voice belonged to an actual woman.
“Not at the moment.”
“Are you searching for anyzing in particulaire?”
Intelligent blue eyes. An earnest American voice. A shy nature and aversion to crowds. “Not really.”
“You ‘aven’t been ‘ere for some time, but I remembaire zee sort you enjoy. ‘As zat changed?”
“No. I believe I prefer to merely look tonight.”