Chapter 80

If he had to proceed on his own, so be it.

The door that connected the drawing room to a smaller sitting room opened, making Kit turn. “You heard?”

“I heard.” Chance scowled, folding his arms in front of his chest as he leaned against the jamb. “I don’t like him.”

“Perhaps Morleigh needs to know about this.”

Chance nodded. “I’ll tell him.”

* * * *

Julien tried to find a comfortable position on the poorly padded seat in the coach he’d hired. He’d arrived home the previous night only to be reminded by Kay that he was bidden to his aunt’s for dinner. Had it been anyone else, Julien would have cried off, but he knew that Cordelia would come to fetch him herself if he did. He’d had the time to summon his man-of-affairs and give him orders to learn about any holdings Mayfield had, beginning in London and moving outward.