Chapter 43

He’d thought he’d come out here to think and organize his overtaxed brain, but Blaze’s mind was blank and quiet. For long moments of endless lapping waves, he wondered if he was in a kind of shock or denial, but realized, at last, that he was resigned.

Arik was right. About everything. Blaze had known it the first time Arik made his crazy proposal about being there for Blaze, and Blaze had been fighting the truth tooth and nail, fang, and claw. And now that the panic had passed, Blaze understood that Arik didn’t have to know about Doru to understand Blaze had been hurt by love, though the details were not exactly accurate. Arik was even surer of Blaze’s feelings than Blaze, himself. Arik was braver than Blaze had been. And truer to self.