“Well, good thing we bought you those suits, I guess.” Arik wiped his eyes, and they were shining when he looked at Blaze.
“Yeah?” Blaze asked, already knowing what Arik would say but wanting him to say it anyway
“Yeah. ‘Cause if you think for a second that I’m going to meet Mr. Goat without a cursed Romanian witch in my pocket, you are out of your three-century-year-old mind.”
“Three-and a half.” For the life of him, Blaze could not wipe the stupid grin off his face. “You know, I know a guy who fits that description.”
“Yeah? Is he hot?”
“Is he available?”
“Only for a very private party.”
“Well then.” Arik got up and dragged Blaze with him and into the shower after him. “You better properly introduce me. We’ve got a date with a book-loving goat man.”
“Mm. Can do.”
Blaze tossed the notepad onto the counter, slammed the shower door, and set about the business of reigniting intimate acquaintance.18