Chapter 5

When he chanced a look up, Raymond was still busy on his call, and no one else in the squad room was any the wiser.

Brian grinned to himself, and got back to his paperwork with a renewed vigor.2

Brian was eager to finish his paperwork and leave the squad room. He’d been on the clock long enough to not feel too guilty about it, and he also declined the invitation from Raymond to get a drink at their favorite bar. Detectives Scott and Miller were already there, so Raymond wouldn’t be left on his own.

Brian said goodnight, left the precinct, and got into his car.

He had a date to pick up.

* * * *

By the time Brian drove over to The Velvet Lounge club, it was close to ten P.M. He’d already texted Angel before he left, to give him a heads up, and once Brian found a parking spot close to the club, he texted Angel again to say he was outside.