He opened his eyes again. He would do what he had to. He knew Dickinson wouldn’t ask it of him lightly. “Okay. What’s the threat and what’s behind it?”
Dickinson nodded once, a little bit of grudging pride showing through in the gleam of his eyes. “You know what Interior does, correct?”
“Something involving nanotechnology. Len—Perig tried to explain it to me once, but it all went right over my head.” Ben chuckled. “I know my strengths, sir, and understanding that type of science isn’t one of them.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, kid. But yes. They make nanotech. They’ve revolutionized medicine, especially emergency medicine. Every time you go out into the field, get hurt, and get a shot of nanobots to heal up a wound, it’s because Lennon Perig made it possible.”
“He was working on that back when I knew him.” Ben swallowed. He could still remember the last night he’d spent with Lennon. He didn’t have to think very hard to call to mind that warm body in his arms.