Chapter 25

“There are two issues with the premise in this situation.” Lennon held up one finger. “One, you didn’t come busting down the door with me. I saved myself. Stop trying to shift the narrative. I saved myself, so you don’t have a heroic leg to stand on. I’m not some shrinking violet that you can play hero for.

“Two, you should both know better than to think I’m just going to swallow whatever schlock someone else is peddling. We—both of us—are scientists. We don’t take anything at face value. For crying out loud, you can’t even publish a paper about the color of the sky without peer review, okay? So no. You don’t get to just jump in and wave your phallic compensations around and say, ‘I’m here to rescue you, now do as you’re told!’ There was no rescue, we think for ourselves. If you want our cooperation, you’ll work collaboratively or you’ll fuck off back to Washington.” Lennon’s body all but vibrated with anger.