Chapter 75

Ben didn’t seem to feel the same compulsion. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Do you think the chef’s on Valentina’s payroll?”

“She’d have had to buy off every chef in Kendall Square.” Lennon made himself smile. “Loosen up. We can be vigilant and still enjoy a night out. Tell me about some of your adventures.”

“Adventures?” Ben raised his eyebrow in challenge. “They’re not adventures. It’s not magic. I’m there to do a job.”

“Okay.” Lennon pushed forward. “But you still went to places I’ll never go and did things I’d never think about. I’m sure some of your cover stories were at least interesting.”

Ben sighed and got a faraway look in his eye. “I got to be a cowboy once.”

“See? I’d have paid money to see that.”