“And right now, there’s no higher authority to take the case to.” He met Lennon’s gaze and hoped against hope it would be enough. “The junior agents are still out looking for our friend. I hope they stay safe finding her.”
As if the thought summoned action, Sigmund jumped and grabbed his phone. “That must be them now.” He looked at the screen and frowned. “Velasko and Hartswell are in Chelsea. They think they’ve got a solid lead and they need backup.”
Ben’s whole body warmed as adrenaline surged through him. “Are you for real? You and Kaden should take this!”
Sigmund grinned and patted him on the shoulder. “Nah, man. You’ve got a ton more experience out in the field and you’ve got the most beef with her right now. You take this one. I can stay here and defend these two. It won’t be a problem, I promise.”
Ben hesitated. He knew Sigmund, and he could trust Sigmund to a point. Did that point include Lennon’s life?