Chapter 4

“Yes, so, tonight is different. I don’t know how long it will last.”

“Have you ever been so solid before?”

“No. Not since.” Aaron couldn’t really bring himself to say, so he didn’t. “I don’t mean to frighten you.”

“I know. You don’t. Not really. I just don’t understand spirits.” Curtis looked around his apartment awkwardly. “I need some coffee.”

“Go ahead and make some. Or would you rather sleep? It’s late, isn’t it? Did you have a date?”

“It is late.” Curtis looked at the clock on his wall. “Nearly one-thirty. But I can’t sleep now.” He turned and walked into his kitchen. Reaching into the cupboard, Curtis took out two mugs, then laughed nervously. “I guess you don’t want any.”

Aaron stood by the counter and smiled. “I loved coffee. Used to visit this coffeehouse every day in the morning on my way to work. On the corner of Market and Van Ness.”

“What did you do?”