Chapter 1



It was supposed to have been a punishment. They didn’t think I realized that, but they had always underestimated my intelligence. Perhaps it was because I was young, by most standards, or that I seemed to break every rule in the book. The Terran Government wanted me to toe the line, and I simply could not do things that didn’t make sense. It often put us at odds.

So they sent me seventeen light years away, to the edge of the neutral zone, and put me in charge of the space station Elovaris. Largely a research facility with a heavy military presence for security purposes, it was ruled by the Intergalactic Alliance Accords. Since it was a Terran facility—Terran-made-and-funded, anyway—Terrans made up a large portion of the two thousand souls that called Elovaris home. But my second-in-command was an incredibly capable Alodean, and most of the senior staff was represented by members of other alien races. It was a tough balance to maintain, with so many different personalities and cultures present, but it was necessary to uphold the IAA.

And I did love a good challenge.

Which is why, though it was supposed to be a punishment, I actually loved my position. I loved living so far from any other civilization, I wholeheartedly believed in what we were trying to accomplish, and I was passionate about doing it right. Not necessarily in line with all the rules and regulations of the disparate races, or even in accordance with the IAA. But right. Morally and ethically.

I didn’t even mind when I spent my days deescalating disputes, or running interference, or when some disaster or another kept me up for three cycles straight. None of that mattered because I loved my job, I loved what we accomplished here, and I loved being in charge of it.

Even when senior staff meetings went sideways. As they usually did. Like now.

I sighed and sat back, letting the two commanders in charge of the military platoons shout at each other a little longer. Commander Sousou, a Ssarften commanding Alpha platoon, which was in charge of station’s security, and Commander Ryel, a Rillian commanding Beta platoon, in charge of the flight wing that patrolled space around the station, were always at each other’s throats. It didn’t help that there had long been a…rivalry of sorts between the two races. Rillians were, by nature, a more aggressive race, and had spent centuries trying to overtake the Ssarften homeworld. That had ended more than two hundred years ago, when the IAA had finally been agreed upon. But old prejudices died hard, and these two in particular seemed to butt heads. Most likely because they both had different ideas about how the security for Elovaris should be handled.

Eventually, though, it had gone too far. Ryel was creeping out of his chair, and the armored spikes at his throat were rising, a sure sign he as pissed. Sousou didn’t have such an outward reaction, but his tone was devolving into the growly cadence that was heard only when he spoke his native language. Hrrst, though beautiful, was full of resonances not accustomed to English. And because this was a Terran-run-and-operated station, English was the primary language spoken.

“Enough,” I said firmly, but quietly. My tone got the attention of both commanders, and their gazes snapped to mine. Sousou settled into his chair, though his golden gaze never left mine, and I could see the displeasure in his expression. His whiskers remained pointing straight out, which meant his muzzle was tense.

Ryel, on the other hand, wouldn’t be dissuaded. If anything, he got even more agitated, and his forked tongue flicked the air several times in quick succession before he took a breath to speak. “Captain Phillips, I need to—”

“Enough,” I repeated, cutting him off. Which was definitely against protocol, as Rillians viewed that as the height of disrespect. But my patience was worn thin, and we weren’t being productive at all. Already, the senior staff meeting had overrun, and I was due to head to Sector Thirteen for a briefing on their progress. “I understand your frustration, Commander. And yours as well,” I added with a head tip toward Sousou. “But this isn’t accomplishing anything, and we all have duties to attend to. We will revisit the security concerns at a later date. ZalAna?”

I turned to my second-in-command. Unlike most of her race, she wore her white hair in a short bob that did nothing to cover her large ears. One flicked toward me, mostly to show me she was listening, because she never took her eyes off the tablet in front of her.

“Tomorrow at nineteen hundred.”

I nodded in acceptance and her long, thin fingers flew over the screen. “Both of you can bring a written proposal at that time and I’m sure we can find a compromise between the three of us.” It wasn’t a suggestion, and they both knew it. Ryel nodded once, his nostrils flaring and his tongue working overtime.