That thought made me pause, and I decided I wanted to be in my quarters where I could mourn the loss in peace if that was what it came to.
“Majel, tell Commander Sousou to join me for dinner in my quarters at nineteen hundred.”
“Yes, Captain.”
And then I left the office and headed home, so I would have time to prepare for his arrival. Though dinner was being delivered, I still wanted everything to look nice. I was trying to woo him, after all. But not so nice that he would be uncomfortable if that’s not how he wanted things to go.
The whole time I was getting things ready, I kept going back and forth about what would happen. Half of me was convinced that I would get exactly what I wanted. The other half was certain that Sol wanted nothing more to do with me. I wasn’t usually so indecisive, and it galled me that I was so tied up in knots over Sol. I was the commander of a space station, for God’s sake.