Chapter 12

He’d already given too much thought to Jack’s last comment—to the point where he began to doubt his own sanity. It was only sex. No big deal. He’d done it a hundred times before and he hoped to do it a hundred times again. Once he found someone, of course. When he could come home after work and smile at someone when he walked through the front door. When there was someone there waiting for him who didn’t give a fuck about how much money he made or what he would buy them or—he heard something tumble into the sink and frowned down the hall at where his guest would be doing whatever the hell it was the man was doing—or how many times a day they did it.

Without even knowing where he was going, Mason stood up quickly and made a dash for his cell phone. Was he really going to…He watched his fingers select the contact name and sighed as the display confirmed that yes, apparently he wasgoing to call Greg and whine like a teenager on a blind date.