Mason frowned at Jack, confused with the sudden attitude shift. “I am so sorry.” He turned first to Emily and then back towards Ahanu. “Things changed. I’m actually with someone.” He nodded at Jack. “And as much as I thank you for your interest—”
Ahanu’s dark eyes flashed, his forehead creased and in an instant Mason knew the expression. It was the same one he saw on Craig’s face whenever they talked. Hopeful desperation being crushed to crumbs. And it broke his heart. God, to have to be twenty-four again; to be out there looking and hoping and wondering. Especially in a town as small as that one was. If the frustration didn’t kill you, the loneliness probably would. Then again, he flashed a quick glance at Jack, one didn’t need to be twenty-four to understand the pain of loneliness.
“You guys are welcome to join us,” Mason said quietly. He caught Ahanu’s eyes with a smile. “But I am here with someone.”