As I pulled back onto the highway, there was a mushroom of red behind us, and the green sparks danced everywhere in the rear-view mirror.
After about ten minutes I had to pull over. There wasn’t any traffic moving, only those ubiquitous lumps that challenged every idea I’d ever had about end of the world scenarios. It was stupid, it shouldn’t be real. Maybe it wasn’t. Maybe…it was.
My grandfather had updated the music ability in his car, to include CDs and cassette tapes. There was also a place for eight-track tapes, but I’d never seen one and didn’t really want to. Beside me my passenger was sorting through the stack that had accumulated in the middle of the seat, in the box I’d put there to keep them handy. “These are so cool! Look! ‘Sympathy for the Devil’! ‘The Theme from Apocalypse Now’!”
I said, “You’re shitting me. Hey, um, who the hell are you anyhow? You’re not a zombie, right?”
“Name, rank, serial number.”