Chapter 51

His suspicions on how the meeting and the morning had gone were confirmed within a half hour of the children leaving. He stiffened when he heard the sound of now-familiar footsteps nearing the classroom. The door swung shut, but the sound of a lock snicking into place never came. Nick relaxed his shoulders, maybe he wasn’t going to have to endure another attack.

Turning, he half expected to see a face other than the chancellor’s and wondered if the kelbit had jumped hosts already. It hadn’t yet, he could see that at once, but it needed to. There was something off about the creature. For the first time, it seemed nervous and edgy. Licking its lips, the chancellor walked across the room to where Nick stood in front of the desk.

Standing quietly, gauging his opponent, Nick watched placidly as it stalked closer to him.

The chancellor’s lips split into a wide, shiver-inducing grin. “You humans and your bodies are so entertaining. There is so much to explore.”