Witze saw dozens of tiny red pinprick marks covering the man’s skin. “It did that to you?”
Todd nodded. “When it decided to become me.”
“Are you all right? Both of you?” Witze looked first at Todd, then around him to the boy.
Another nod from Todd.
“How do I know you are really not it?”
“I can tell the difference and see it in its true form,” Nick said softly, shrugging slightly. “I can see evil creatures, sometimes see it in humans.”
“This…uh…this came for you this morning.” Witze picked up the box and held it out. It was sort of a stupid thing to do and say, but he needed time to collect his thoughts. Besides, he really wanted to see what was in it and why it was so important as to be delivered by special courier and not the regular mail system.
Todd stepped forward and took the box and stared down at it, rubbing his thumbs gently over the wrapping.
“Todd.” The boy’s voice was so soft it was more of an exhale.