“Everything look about kosher there, Mom?” Jordan’s dry voice made every nerve in Ian’s body jump.
He turned with a sheepish grin. “Just putting your juice away.”
“In the cupboard,” Jordan nodded. “Right. What is with you people? Like just because I’m not rich or old that somehow means I can’t take care of Cole?”
“I’m not sure who you mean by you people,” Ian said, pressing the cupboard door closed, “but yes, I did want to make sure.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “If that makes me a jerk, then fine, I’m a jerk. But I’m a jerk that gives a shit that your kid is being fed.”
Jordan stepped forward with his head tilted and his eyebrow cocked. “And what would your plan have been, oh kind and misjudged stranger? Would you have driven me to the store and stocked my kitchen for me? Or just slipped some cash on the counter?”
Ian’s jaw clenched and his lips tightened.