
Chapter 28

“Well if it was me,” she tapped her breast with a fingernail, “I’d be making an issue out of finding out more of that.” She pushed away her plate of nachos and dug for what Ian knew would be a cosmetic case before he ever saw it. She snapped it open, talking to her reflection instead of Ian directly, “I mean, what about the kid’s mother? How come he’s around but she isn’t? Doesn’t that seem weird to you? How do you know he hasn’t just up and run off with the little guy?”

And that, right there, was the unidentifiable lump that had sunk into his guts when Ian had refused to bring Cole to a doctor. He just hadn’t known what it meant until someone else said it aloud.

“If that was the case they’d have found him when he registered at school though, right?” Ian asked, more hopeful than convinced.