“You have to stop holding everything here,” Master Oyama had said, pressing both fists against his solar plexus. “You should not be holding in your emotion, Ian. We have these feelings for a reason. It is our body’s way of making sure that our mind reacts to things that can harm us. Anger, annoyance, distaste, and contempt are ugly parasites. If you let them sit too long inside you, they will eat you. But it is not a slow draw, Ian. Like any parasite, if they find hospitable ground, they will prosper there. Then they will breed and breed. Two will become twelve. Twelve will become a hundred. And in just a short time these tiny beasts will be a ravaging mass of millions.”
Ian had eyed Oyama as if his sensei had gone insane. “So, every time I’m angry, I should what? Punch someone out? That’ll be good stress management. Nothing says rest and relaxation like a good stint in the state lock-up.”