Chapter 8

He barely looked up when I stood in the doorway.

“Fabian, I don’t have a lot of time.”

And sure, anyone else probably would have turned and left, tail between their legs at his cold, business-like tone. But I wasn’t just anyone else. And I wouldn’t let him intimidate me.

“I don’t need a lot of time,” I said, easily. “Shouldn’t you be replacing those with turkeys and pilgrims or something?”

His gaze rose to mine, his dark eyes narrowing. “Huh?”

“All that Halloween stuff on your walls.”

Michael grimaced and tossed down the pen he’d been clutching. “Please tell me that’s not why you interrupted me.”

I rolled my eyes. “Get real.”

“Anyway, I have nothing to do with those. Annette put those up.”

Annette was his admin assistant.

“She’s on vacation this week. She’ll take them off when she’s back. What do you want, Fabian? This case is kicking my ass and really I don’t like to be bothered at work.”