Except, maybe it wasn’t. Maybe they needed to start doing more to make sure they got a chance to see each other even if it was hard or uncomfortable. They might surprise themselves by getting to the point where Thom was right now: enjoying the planning, looking forward to being together, and trying to relate the anxious drops of his stomach and the pains in his chest to something bigger and broader than unmanageable fear. Being anxious didn’t necessarily mean unmanageable orfear and he just had to keep reminding himself of that. When he forgot, Dog and Justin were more than happy to remind him.
“It’s nice out here,” Justin said, taking a deep breath.
Thom didn’t bother to argue, although he didn’t believe cloudy, gray skies or Celsius levels approaching single digits were nice in the least. He helped Dog into the back seat of Justin’s Rogue and got in as well, then spent the short drive going over the list they’d put together