WebNovelThe Gift14.14%

Chapter 14

“Doren, Doren, my awesome, wonderful star. Isn’t this fantastic? I’m all but busting with pleasure to finally have you here at home base.”

August flinched away from the window in a reaction that felt instinctual, his skin crawling at the sudden appearance of the impressive man who had just walked in the room. At least, he assumed the man had just walked in the room. August was pretty sure he hadn’t been there when they came in, but the man’s entrance had been cat-like in silence and stealth, and there was the possibility he had simply manifested out of the air. He was striking, the kind of man many of his friends would have fallen over themselves to get a piece of: tall, built like a sculpture, with impressive clothing and jewellery. He all but screamed of good taste and the love of fine things.

He stalked past August confidently and extended his hand to Doren. “I trust the hotel meets with your liking?”