WebNovelThe Gift27.27%

Chapter 27

August yanked it away. “Sorry. Is it bad?”

Doren shook his head and pressed his hand over top of August’s, putting it back in place. “Can I stay here, Aug? Just for tonight? Hands off, no crap, I promise. I just don’t want to be by myself. Everything’s all fucked up. I’m all fucked up.”

The simple act of August swiping a cloth over his skin felt like magic. It woke things up in Doren that continued to remain unsatisfied. He couldn’t help it; he groaned again.

August clucked his tongue. “Doren, you’re hurt. Let me get a doctor or something.”

“No, I’m fine.” It wasn’t that kind of pain, he wanted to say. He didn’t.

Doren had a flash of panic when August walked through the door separating their rooms, for why he couldn’t say. But the relief when August walked back in with two beers was almost worth the alarm. August handed one to Doren, and then opened the second for himself.