WebNovelThe Gift32.32%

Chapter 32

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“Well, at least one of us can get a job done right,” Glenda said into her cell phone, preening for praise and not being disappointed. The rush she got from the pleasure in Anton’s voice was damn near sexual.

“Oh, yeah. He took it all right.” She was almost skipping as she replied. “But you got about six minutes to get the boutique in the hotel closed and/or find a way to stop him from leaving the hotel.”

She entered the lobby and watched as an elderly gentleman pulled a credit card from his wallet. Her smile grew. “Wait. No. Here’s a better idea—an idea that won’t matter where in the hell he goes. See if he’s got a credit card registered to his name and get it frozen. I have the feeling he’s going to move hell and high water to find something else to wear, but there’s no way he’ll ask Doren for the money to do it.”

There was an affirmation, a laugh, and mention of her being an angel. She smirked into the phone. “Not even close, boss.”