WebNovelThe Gift35.35%

Chapter 35

“Don’t say anything,” August warned. “I’m sure they were just trying to help. And if they weren’t, don’t give them the satisfaction of letting them know it got under our skin.” His face twisted into a smirk. “But we should, at the very least, go over and say hello.”

“You’re damn right we should,” Doren nodded, finishing his drink in one quick draw and ordering another. “Let ‘em see just how fine we look, am I right?”

Doren looped his arm comically and August denied the gesture with a tsk. He should have known better. Doren merely reached out, secured August’s hand, and forced August to wind it through. “Doren,” August hissed. “Stop making us look like we’re—”

“Doren!” Anton boomed. “Our man of the hour!” He wiggled his fingers at August. “And with the assistant in tow like a good little boy, too.” He turned his attention to Glenda, obvious disappointment, if not outright anger, flashing in his eyes.

“Oh, August,” Glenda pouted. “You didn’t wear my outfit!”