WebNovelThe Gift43.43%

Chapter 43

Then he pulled back his fist and punched it as hard as he could, again and again, until the monitor lay in shattered pieces over the back of the limo and the image was no more.

* * * *


The food at the restaurant was mediocre, but the service was awesome. They doted on him like he was a god. August seemed uncomfortable but that didn’t surprise him. Doren was sure to send August a riveting smile anytime their eyes caught, the thought of August’s smooth, hard body under the new clothes making him hungry for all the things he’d yet been given the chance to try.

August’s tension seemed to increase a hundredfold when Morana was introduced to the table, even if the woman did seem to be trying her best to put August at ease. It was a calculated attempt certainly, Doren could sense it. But surely they had to give the woman points for trying?