WebNovelThe Gift46.46%

Chapter 46

“I dunno…was he all right?”

Anton waved the question away. “Of course! Nothing we haven’t all done at one point or another. He’s young, still learning.” He was more than pleased when Doren turned back to the band. “But let’s talk about the important things, the real reason that we’re here. Tell me, Doren, what do you think of the band?”

Doren shrugged. “Why are you asking me? You’re the big music guru, aren’t you?”

“I am,” Anton smiled. “But I don’t have your ears, Doren. Let’s face it, no one experiences music quite like you do, do they?”

Doren’s eyes narrowed, again trying to read him, trying to decide if he was actually hearing the implication in Anton’s words, or making it up. He decided he wasn’t, and Anton nodded. Oh, you bet I know, Doren. I know all about you. I know more about you then you even know about yourself.