Oh, shit. Oh, goddamn. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Doren yanked the door open and raced to the front of the car where a small form was struggling to her feet. He grabbed her arm and spun her, certain beyond belief that he would see a bloodied and ripped face, but she was, surprisingly, unharmed. “Medea?”
She looked up, eyes as large as saucers, and opened her mouth in surprise. “Doren!”
He felt down her arms, keeping his eyes on her face. Anton would kill him if he’d hurt one of the secretaries. “Are you hurt? Do you need an ambulance?”
“No, I’m fine.” She giggled, catching his hand and holding it to her chest. “That tickles!”
Her chest felt wild under his palm: tiny, bony, almost bird-like in its fragility. “Good. I can’t believe it was you. Thank Godit was you. What are you doing all the way downtown?”