WebNovelThe Gift55.56%

Chapter 55

But the clerk looked up and smiled, and Doren could swear that there was gratitude shining in the man’s eyes, maybe even pride.

“Ah! Doren, sir! What a pleasure to see you’ve made it back.”

Doren watched, swaying softly, unwilling to expend the energy to form words.

“You’ve had a long night, I take it?”

Again, silence followed the man’s question.

The clerk, however, didn’t seem to mind. He walked slowly around the desk and leaned toward Doren, cautiously, before grabbing Doren’s shoulder in an effort to steady Doren’s body. Doren gave in to the fatigue and slumped against him. “There, there, sir,” the man said, patting Doren’s shoulder. “You’re going to be just fine now. Just fine indeed.” The clerk reached around and slipped his hand around Doren’s clasped one.