They were holding hands when Doren finally opened the door on the empty hallway. Only the telltale crush of the plaster on the opposite side of the wall offered any credence to what had happened.
“We need to find somewhere safe,” August said. “Somewhere they can’t feel us.”
Doren sighed and slumped against the doorframe. “Like where? The moon?”
“No, smartass,” August replied. “Someplace where there are people. And commotion. Where they can’t see us as easily as if we were alone.”
Doren frowned and tilted his head. “How do you know?”
“A message from a friend.”
“And did this friend also tell you where you might find this magical place?”
“No. But I have an idea.” August stalked back into the room and began throwing items into a suitcase. “Grab some stuff, Doren. We’re going to crash a party.”
* * * *