WebNovelThe Gift65.66%

Chapter 65

When August showed up beside him and offered him a cup, Curtis lifted his head and peered into it. It looked like coffee. It didn’t smell like coffee, though. “What you got there?” Curtis asked.

“Espresso and grappa. Try it. You’ll like it.”

Curtis grimaced, sniffing again. “Is there something wrong with plain old coffee?”

“Yes,” August grinned, nodding his head in Doren’s direction. “From what I understand it’s ‘unrockstarish.’“

“Oh.” He took cautious sip. “Good to know.”

Doren dropped down beside them, gazing up at August and Curtis almost snorted into his coffee. Easy there, boy, try not to make it too obvious. Even he knew that rule, and God knew he was no Casanova. His snort won him a grin, as if Doren knew exactly what he’d been thinking, but it also got him a whack in the shoulder. “Were you hitting on my assistant, drummer boy?” Doren asked.