WebNovelThe Gift69.70%

Chapter 69

Doren reached for the knob, palm open, holding August’s eyes with his own. “Lock.”

Oh, God, August chuckled out loud when he heard the tumblers fall in place at Doren’s command. It was official. He was a total sucker for cool. And that…was just…so damn cool.

Doren advanced, slowly and methodically undoing his jeans. “Maybe I should lay with you until you fall asleep?” He stopped at the side of the bed to kick off his jeans and pull up his shirt. “You know, tuck you in?”

The air in the room was cool and August shivered when Doren lifted them and stared. “Mm, nice start.” Doren didn’t rest beside him, instead, Doren pulled August’s right leg closer and climbed between both of August’s legs. What had to be seven billion Congo drums started beating in August’s chest. “Do you have any idea,” Doren whispered, brushing his chin over August’s ear, “how hot you sound when you touch yourself?”