WebNovelThe Gift83.84%

Chapter 83

“Wait!” Cooper said suddenly, turning in his seat as though inspiration had hit him. “Curtis, buddy. What about you, man? What do you bring?”

Curtis looked quietly at each one of them in turn; then he slowly unzipped his leather jacket and pulled it to the side. It was with stunned silence that the rest of them stared at the gun nestled at Curtis’ side.

“I bring the last resort,” he said quietly. “Remember, no matter what Hollywood tells us, no matter what our imaginations want to believe, every one of us—here in this limo or inside that stadium—is mortal.” He zipped up his jacket as the vehicle rolled to a stop. “A bullet can bring us all down.”

“Okay, gang,” Doren nodded. “You know what they say: he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day. So, let’s just try to get past this and see what tomorrow brings.”

* * * *
