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Chapter 94

August tumbled out with a look of fury and the scream of a warrior. He stopped, amazed, and stared at the four of them.

“What in the actual hell?” Curtis reached for the corkscrew and took it out of August’s hand. “What the fuck did you plan on doing with that? Screwing someone to death?”

“It was all I had!” August said, his voice ending in a high pitch that made Curtis wince. “Where’s Doren?”

“They got him,” Cooper said, coming around to eye August’s face. “And you look like you’ve seen the nasty end of a train, August. What happened?”

“Later.” August waved the concern off. “Tell me what you know.”

Cooper nodded. “He’s here at the house. In some kind of underground-basement-like thing. At least, that’s what I’m getting from him.”

August blew out a long breath. “Okay. So?”

“So,” Curtis tucked the gun back, “now we go get him. But first, we put that idiot in the trunk. The last thing we need to do is have him running to tell everybody that we’re here.”