Colin’s lip curled a little, as though Grady had just shoved something distasteful under his nose. “Yes, it has everything to do with how gorgeous you are and nothing to do with the fact you’re Oliver James’s son.”
“Coming from you, I’ll take whatever I can get.”
“So, Grady, have you met the rest of the team?” Gwen asked, cutting in before Colin could add anything to his rather noticeable eye roll.
He let Colin off the hook, though he would’ve loved to see how far he could push the man. Maybe not in front of his mother, but definitely the next time he saw him.
“Not yet. Do you mind introducing me?”
“Of course not.”
Elaine and Colin said their goodnights, but as Grady followed Gwen through the crowd, he couldn’t resist one last glance over his shoulder. Neither Braugher paid him any attention, but when they reached the doors, and Colin held one open for his mother, his blue gaze slid in Grady’s direction.