“Of course. I’ve got cab money for you, too.”
“No, I’m not going to drink that much tonight.”
“Yeah, right.”
“I’m not.”
Gwen looked over to Grady. “He can’t hold his booze.”
“Hey, don’t spread lies about me.”
“You realize this means I have to test that theory, don’t you?” Grady said, grinning at Colin.
“So I guess that means you’ll be picking up more than just the first round?”
“If that’s what it takes.”
“Be careful,” Gwen said. “Richard’s got a hollow leg.”
“I do not,” Richard chimed up from behind them. “Your generation just doesn’t understand how to pace itself.”
“Ha!” Gwen punched Colin in the arm. “I win.”
“What do you win?” Grady asked.
“I bet Richard wouldn’t make it to Sal’s before referring to our generation at least once. It’s a thing.”
“What do you win?”