“Colin, are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Yes. You know how tequila makes me.”
Grady’s mouth slanted. “Now this I have to see.”
The second round went down easier, though Grady decided then and there he wasn’t going to drink enough to lose any more details of the night to come. Colin’s eyes were brighter, some of the tension in his jaw eased, and Grady’s mouth watered at the prospect of licking along that sharp line. His beard looked downy soft, an impossibility for sure, but tempting nonetheless. He grabbed a lemon wedge from a nearby condiment bowl to try and stifle the urge.
“Why don’t you two dance?” he suggested. “I can guarantee Gwen doesn’t have cooties.”
Gwen reacted first, taking Colin by the hand and dragging the amenable boy to a clear spot on the dance floor.
* * * *