“We probably should since I doubt Arturo travels light. But I don’t want to make you late to the airport. I can just leave it here.”
“If you don’t mind. We’ll just swing back here and pick it up after we drop Arturo off, then.”
“I’ll take care of it,” Georgia said, coming from behind the desk to reach for the handlebars. Colin surrendered the bike with a tight smile. One that didn’t leave his face, even after the elevator doors whispered shut behind them.
Colin stood on the other side of the car, leaning into the corner, hip cocked, arms folded. Grady couldn’t stop staring at him, which might have been a problem if Colin wasn’t so apparently fascinated by the bank of buttons. The elevator wasn’t exactly big, and even standing on the opposite side, Colin was almost within touching distance. And Grady wanted to touch him. His fingers positively tingled for the chance.