“Okay, don’t try to tell me that wasn’t a line.”
His hand dropped back to his lap as he scowled at Colin. “Do you not own a mirror? How can that be a line? You didn’t accuse Arturo of using a line when he said it at dinner.”
Colin’s mouth slanted in a wry smile. “So are you saying you’re not trying to get into my pants?”
“That doesn’t make what I said any less true.”
“In that case, I’ll offer another non-sarcastic thank you.” Colin was silent for a moment, working his lip between his teeth. “So…you still want to get in my pants?”
Grady blinked. Then narrowed his eyes. This had to be a trick question. But the more he tried to think about how he could answer it without getting himself into further trouble, the more lost he got in the way Colin kept nibbling at his lower lip. There was really only one thing he could say without being a liar or a hypocrite, and frankly, Colin disliked him enough already. Grady probably couldn’t make it much worse.