Leon answered the ring, and smiled as he gestured him inside. “Arturo’s just about ready. He’s really looking forward to today.”
“I hope I don’t disappoint him, then. Are you coming with us?”
Leon grimaced. “No, those calls I mentioned seemed to reproduce overnight. The studio doing the Australia film is trying to arrange a boot camp for the actors, and it’s turning into a logistical nightmare.”
Colin had honestly hoped that the calls had been canceled, or dealt with that morning. He wasn’t sure how he was going to handle being alone with Arturo all day. It was like a blind date, except with more pressure, and Colin didn’t think he was up to the task of impressing a man like Arturo. What would they even talk about? Colin hadn’t even had the chance to think of potential conversation starters.
“Do you take care of all of this stuff on your own? It seems like Arturo should have an entourage or something.”